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Old February 9th, 2007, 01:20 AM

Ewierl Ewierl is offline
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Default Re: Bug - battle report does not agree with strate

DrPraetorious said:
Ewierl says there is an inconsistency with the battle report he saw and the strategic outcome.

I expect he will explain in more detail.
The battle between Agartha and Tien Chi in province 146 (Tirannea) shows a serious discrepancy between the two versions of the battle outcome, the battle replay and message/strategic map.

If you watch the battle replay, Agartha takes serious casualties but eventually wins, its last handful of soldiers driving Tien Chi's entire army off the map. As any viewer with patience can see, there is a "The armies of Tien Chi are routed" message, and no such message for Agartha.

However, according to the Message-window battle report, Tien Chi was victorious and defended the province successfully. The casualty counts in that message are reasonable, though difficult to verify precisely.

Stranger yet, after the battle, 146 shows a large force of Tien Chi soldiers, as if the forces hadn't actually routed during the battle.

All this is from Agartha's perspective; possibly Tien Chi's version of the battle replay turned out differently? That too would certainly be a bug.
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