Re: Gems, fatigue and increasing magic levels
[/quote] But that phrase could be understood in two different ways.
What other people on this thread said earlier, that based on the things they observed in the game, that phrase means that the 700 fatique spell will be cast as long as mage have minimum needed level and will have enough gems, but the fatique will be capped at 200. Even more so, poster said he saw mage casting such spell even if mage's initial fatique is none zero.
What you mean is that mage will refuse to cast spell, since it would put him over 200 fatique.
See the difference?
I am trying to figure out who is right here, since either you or the previous poster must be mistaken, since these statements directly contradict each other.
I would love to know the answer to this as well.
Given that people are saying 2 different things. Is there any possiblity of some spells being bugged and others not, ie...both is the case, 1 spell with 500 fatigue can be cast just taking you to 200 fatigue, well another will be refused?