Teraswaerto said:
2. ImpendingIndustry/LA random nations or some such: won by LA Agartha (played by Meglobob). Research victory. It was kind of funny as several people, including Meglobob and myself, had forgotten that the game had research as victory condition. He actually set himself to AI 1 turn before winning since he was losing a war.
LA Agartha is strong too, powerful death magic, kind of obvious.
To clarify, ALL I had to do was press the end turn button to win, so it was a victory by me, the AI never really got to do a turn. It was funny that so many of us had forgot it was a research victory, although in my case I was in 10 MP's at the time, so perhaps understandable.
Also Teraswaerto forgets to mention that I was fighting 4 other players on 3 seperate fronts, LA Ermor, Mictian, C'tis and Ulm. I only went AI because the host/other players would not change the timer from 24hr (we were on turn 40+) to give me a chance to script my many multiple armies correctly.
LA agartha is a strong nation given time, but can easily be knocked out early in MP and IS NOT TOO POWERFUL. LA Agartha is a good, well balanced nation.