Sorry, I didn't mean to rant either.
It's just that this game is one of the most lenient when it comes to compatibility, ever. (Windows/Mac/Linux, no CD required etc.)
As for the point about appearing buggy: There is a demo (there is, right?), and as soon as you come to the official forum and spend a few minutes searching, you KNOW it is your fault, not the games.
Also, in my opinion, Dom3 fits in a market where there are decidedly less pirates than for example first-person-shooters or real-time-strategy. At least it doesn't get a bad reputation for wrecking you cd-rom drive like other games.
PS: Maybe, in the next patch, Illwinter could change it so that the orders of all your commanders read "AWOL, buying the game", without the ability to change them, much like insanity.