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Old February 16th, 2007, 02:56 PM
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Default Re: What´s the point of the new copy protection?

Dedas said:
Come on, if Illwinter wants to try punishing people for pirating let them. It's their game after all.

However, as some pirates may get scared, annoyed, bugged to buying the game, I believe the majority of them will just wait for a new crack to come out. I mean, it is computer code after all, it can be cracked.
Eh, if they think its a bug, they will just assume the game is crappy and quit playing.

I don't think anyone is saying that Illwinter isn't well within thier rights to do whatever they want to pirates, we just question the practical business reasoning of the method currently employeed.

I like Krpeters idea about the horror marked pirate captians