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Old February 16th, 2007, 03:14 PM

Loren Loren is offline
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Default Re: What´s the point of the new copy protection?

Velusion said:
Dedas said:
Come on, if Illwinter wants to try punishing people for pirating let them. It's their game after all.

However, as some pirates may get scared, annoyed, bugged to buying the game, I believe the majority of them will just wait for a new crack to come out. I mean, it is computer code after all, it can be cracked.
Eh, if they think its a bug, they will just assume the game is crappy and quit playing.

I don't think anyone is saying that Illwinter isn't well within thier rights to do whatever they want to pirates, we just question the practical business reasoning of the method currently employeed.

I like Krpeters idea about the horror marked pirate captians
Exactly. Anti-piracy measures should make it clear that that's what they are, they shouldn't look like bugs.

Consider the old Command and Conquer game. There was some sort of anti-pirate thing in it that would cause all your units to explode maybe 30 seconds into the game. It caused all sorts of gripes in discussion forums because people would trip it. Not true pirates but those who had a problem with Windows that they fixed by doing an over-the-top install. (This was W98SE, before the days of a repair install. Same concept, though.)

You knew you had a legit game that had been working--it's not the sort of thing you would think to blame on the reinstall.