Thread: I hate horrors
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Old February 19th, 2007, 03:51 PM
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Default Re: I hate horrors

Mildly off topic, I was playing around with the Astral Corruption global last night and had a bit of a humorous turn. I had the spell up, but wanted to forge a ring of wizardry with my pretender, so I gave him some blood slaves and scripted him to cast "life for a life" (no MR save, 999 damage, 100 precision).

Then the doom horror showed up. Stupid +7 blood vengence, level 9 in blood magic couldn't overcome that...

Anyway, that was the first time I've seen a doom horror (Theft of Reason, or something like that). I couldn't think of any reasonable way to kill him, has anybody actually killed him outside of freakish luck? This is a SP game I'm just goofing around with and I thought it'd be fun to try and craft a SC that could take him out in a rematch, but even best case scenario it seems you'd end up collosally horror marked by taking more than a turn or two to kill him...kind of a pyrrhic victory for an expensive SC. Hmmmm, maybe that incineration wand plus boots of quickness, plus fire resistance, plus penetration bonus items (does that help against blood vengence? Or is it your own MR?). I assume blood vengence covers ALL the damage types: poison, paralyzation, etc. Does anybody know if those "unresistable" blood spells which send you to hell circumvent blood vengence? What about other non damage dealing spells, like hell bind heart (I'm assuming you can't actually keep him, can you?), confligration, numbness, etc. ? What about stuff that causes a delayed damage, like fire/death clouds, does that damage track back to the caster? What about reactive damage like a fire shield, aegis, etc.?
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