Wauthan said:
This new look is really sweet. The darker colours works well ingame and the appearance is more slick and stylish.
Thanks for sharing!
Sombre said:
Yep, I like it. I'd already modded the gui but your effort looks better.
I'll stick this on the modlist.
WraithLord said:
I love it!
Thanks, thanks and thanks.
Psientist said:
Note - for us Mac OSX folks, the installation instructions should be modified to include:
Open the Dominions 3 application folder.
Select the Dominions3 game application.
Under "Get Info", choose "Show Package Contents".
Copy the resources to the folder Contents>Resources.
Thanks again.
Psientist said:
Looks nice. If only you could find an appropriate background animation to fit with it (trees.r3f, I think).
Gandalf Parker said:
I know that the devs are in cold-country and might have preferences on their screen savers showing desert scenes. But I get tired of that.
Id love a temperate forest scrolling scene in back o fthe menu. Id even turn the menu off (go to tools, random map creator, then hit space bar) and leave it running if it wasnt what I consider so bland.
I tried to change the animation after Psientist post. The desert background animation is in the "battlemaps" folder (city.d3m). I replaced it with another battle map and was able to change the ground, but the sky and the far fog are still desert like. The sky can be replaced changing "dustsky1.tga" but it would probably change the skies in the whole game. Maybe the other part of the data for the background animation is in "trees.r3f", as Psientist said. Is there a way to open it?