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Old February 25th, 2007, 12:28 AM

Huzurdaddi Huzurdaddi is offline
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Default Re: Uses for Skratti?


Have you tried a vine shield instead of an eye shield ... but would greatly aid the Skratti in killing high defense troops

I have not had the chance to try it yet. I'll keep it in mind if I run against troops that cause these thing to wiff a lot. However with the new Dom3 rules wrt. defence reduction ( 2 points per attack ) and these things having 6 attacks/round I think that something will need a very high defence to get away unscathed.


but would greatly aid the Skratti in killing high defense troops ... but that would mostly depend on my astral gem income relative to blood slaves

I totally agree. It really comes down to how many gems you have vs. how many blood slaves, but this seems to be a moderatly high return on investment for bloodslaves.

Overall for 250 gold + 30 gems + 40 slaves this is ( I think ) a pretty decent use for Skratti.
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