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Old February 25th, 2007, 08:29 AM

Fal Fal is offline
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Default Re: Bye bye R\'lyeh

Teraswaerto said:
The fall of old Atlantis has been avenged. The Void Gate has been shut, and the Starspawns of R'lyeh eradicated. Rejoice! The dreams of the dreadful void will plague us no more! Praise Chungaat!

Yet, even in defeat the beasts of R'lyeh spread their evil. With terrible powers they have driven mad the leader of Man, with whom we had a treaty of non-aggression. He claims we declared war. It is not true, there was no war, until his recent words made it necessary.

They would do to us what they have done to Caelum, but we will not tolerate it! The leader of Man has been corrupted by the beasts of the Void, and must be taken down, or he will spread the madness.

We will abide by the rules of the agreement we had, and they have still 2 months before the armies of Atlantis rise from the waters. Any nation that joins in this war against the final evil outpost of evil R'lyeh, Man, will be considered a friend of Atlantis.

Perhaps Atlantis did not declare war on us, nonetheless they have been intentionally spreading unholy dominion in our land, spying on our capital, and immediately cancelled NAP after we peacefully handover the ownership of a province. With R'lyeh cruelly destroyed, Atlantis is capturing independent sea nations and spreading evil dominion with great speed, the monopolization of the ocean must be stopped before it's too late.I call for your support and all allies will be richly rewarded.

The nation of Man will also abide our agreement with Atlantis. Our skilled archers and defeners shall send the icy sea critters back to the depth of the sea.

Delenda est Atlantis !!
If you gotta shoot, shoot, don't talk.
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