Thread: I hate horrors
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Old February 28th, 2007, 09:24 AM
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Default Re: I hate horrors

Have horrors changed this much from Dominions II? I just got my copy
and have not even installed it yet, but in Dominions II, horrors were
only a minor annoyance for a tough pretender in the late game.

I also remember having to protect an empowered Arch Theurg, whom I was
using for forging. I gave him the ring that let him have ten oversized
bodyguards, and a bunch of blood slaves. This gave him at least two
spell casts, and he was a high earth mage... :-)

Quickness, the horror gets close and eats three slaves, and then the four
petrifies always do the trick. Hell, usually the first one did.

Now that I think about it, I remember that on the supercombat tournament
someone fielded an empowered horror, to pathetic results. Should be
in the archive. Ah, memories...
No good deed goes unpunished...
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