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Old March 3rd, 2007, 10:53 AM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Re: New Nation: Ulm Reborn

Ok v0.4 is going up now. I actually had it done last time I posted but forgot to upload it. Doh.

One new thing that I've put in is awe (0) on the Neugeboren Lord (and on the white priest, but who cares about that?). At 300 gold he isn't going to be overpowering or anything - it just reinforces that the Lords are real badasses. And yeah, he makes a good thug. I was actually able to thug them up very early in a test game due to all the earth magic.

Oh and the drain immune white priest is in there.

I think adding astral to the white priests might well happen in the future. I'm very tempted to make a new kind of priests so you can go a very heavy penitent route with the nation if you want. Something like an H1 no magic priest with high leadership who spawns many penitent but really doesn't do much else. Black shepherd maybe?
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