Re: New Nation: Ulm Reborn
Ok after some thinking,... the white priests are getting one astral each. This is primarily to allow them to cast thew two national summons,..
One summons 5 Sternkind - These are sort of ulmish angels. They can fly, have hammers and are sacred. They whomp a fair bit of ***, but cost astral pearls, which ulm reborn doesn't have in abundance. They can only be cast by white priests (req S1 H3).
The other summons one Sternheld commander unit - A more powerful sternkind that could be a good thug. On top of that it has A1 F1. Both units have tasty holy hammers.
I've also given level 1 ulm priests the spell healing light for free and level 2 priests will get a form of wind guide to make those crossbows more useful - hopefully i can get it to be neagted by anything but low MR, similar to the LA Ulm national spell for E3 (i forget the name).
I'm also working on a grand hochmeister leader (possibly hero) but I'm having a lot of trouble getting the templar graphic extracted so I can modify it. I made one that looked pretty good but it was sized wrong becuase I have to do that mostly by eye.