Re: Wish List for next patch
There was a thread a while back about extra information in messages which was quite good. In particular the 'storming a fortress' message is blatantly inadequate. I'd also like it if as well as units/magic/undead/commanders fielded/killed the battle reports provided a detailed breakdown. For example;
Friendly Combatants
commanders 2, killed 1
regular units 35, killed 10
Enemy Combatants
commanders 2, killed 2
regular units 20, killed 18
Friendly Combatants
Commanders killed: 1
John the Priest
Regular units killed: 10
Archer 10
Enemy Combatants
Commanders killed: 2
Dick the Prophet
Harry the Knight
Regular units killed: 18
Heavy Cavalry 6
Militia 12
This would mean I wouldn't have to watch the less exciting 'sure thing' battles to see which of my commanders got hit by an arrow, or to check whether I'd taken out a key enemy commander.