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Old March 5th, 2007, 11:12 AM

Ewierl Ewierl is offline
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Default Re: So-called \"Casual\" PBEM

Manuk said:
Frank and Jonharryn argument was one thing
But this is something more. The NEXT turn after asking me for a 10 turn NAP Ewierl (man) attacked me. I won't comment anything else here on the forum. but needless to say this cancels that "NAP". I wish me good luck against him because this makes me feel like the good side.
Actually, I'd be happier commenting here on the forum, because here both sides can say their piece.

The timeline went like this: Man asks for 10-turn NAP. Caelum responds with a caveat; "Sure, but only if you let me do X." Man replies, "No, I won't accept a treaty with X." Some time (half a day?) after that, I needed to send in my turn, so Man sent a followup message saying "Never mind, offer is canceled." While we were certainly negotiating that treaty, at no point did the two nations ever agree to the same thing.

Much diplomacy was going on that turn, the whole game was waiting for me to send in my turn, and (most importantly, in my eyes) PMs with Manuk were taking a full day to turn around. I may have been abrupt (for which I out-of-character do apologize), but I did so because those negotiations were slowing down the whole game. But regardless of the reason, the fact is that our good-faith negotiations simply didn't work out.
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