If general positivity will help - I can't be positive enough! I've always played loads of computer games, but was gradually beginning to lose interest lately - every TBS is kind of the same. But dominions - wow! I literally can't get over how good it is, I find myself mulling over plans and stuff all the time, and I've been playing since October! It's absolutely on a whole different level to every other strategy game I've played, and I've played a lot. Even my girlfriend, who doesn't really like either computer games or fantasy, has been getting more and more into it watching me, and has finally bought it herself!
Anyway, that's enough of that.

I'm really looking forward to the Tir na n'Og as well. I don't know almost anything about them except they involve Sidhe, and I only know Sidhe from the RPG Changeling: The Dreaming. But just from the vague hints of magical forest dwellers and faeries, I'm quite excited.