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Old March 6th, 2007, 11:05 AM
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Meglobob Meglobob is offline
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Default Re: Is it just me or is Hellheim troops way to str

Kuritza said:
They are stealthy and they just ninja your provinces (which have a terrible PD btw).
I did this as MA Ermor with stealth shadow vestals against MA Mictlan, I had loads of lvl 1N druids, leading 15 shadow vestals stealthy raiding. The druids would bless the vestals with S9W9A4 bless.

However, MA Mictlan with is W9F9S9 blessed jaguar warriors simply created a load of 40 strong armies that countered my stealthy vestals. As soon as I took 1 he took it back. MA Mictlan also had enough troops left over to mount an offensive against me.

So why not do the same against stealthy vans? To every attacking strategy there is usually a counter strategy, the only problem is you have not thought about it yet.
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