Re: Does the AI cheat?
We can only agree to disagree. True, Dom3's AI handles a lot of complicated things very well (at least as far as I can tell). However it also does a lot of incredibly stupid things. It's not really an excuse that the AI of a lot of other games is awful; Dom3 still has major AI flaws that remove a great deal of challenge and fun from SP.
I really shouldn't be able to whomp two Impossible level AIs on my second proper play of the game without ever feeling even slightly pressured, should I? I mean there are several settings of AI there, but I'd never use anything but impossible, despite the fact that it supposedly cheats in terms of resources, gold etc. Most other games I'd hesitate to play on an 'impossible' setting not because the AI cheats an insane amount, but because it is ruthless, efficient and aggressive.
Again, I'm not complaining here, but I find it hard not to chip in when people sing its praises. It's certainly adequate, considering the game leans toward multiplayer,... but impressive? Meh.