March 9th, 2007, 07:05 AM
National Security Advisor
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Re: In-Game Typos
A crapload of typos found in unit descriptions while compiling the bug list.
Kristoffer, if you want these added into the shortlist thread, tell me and I'll copy the post from here and add it there.
TYPOS, UNIT DESCRIPTIONS- U664 Hastatus typo "...wield shorts words and..." --> "...wield short swords and..."
- U686 Hastatus typo "...wield shorts words and..." --> "...wield short swords and..."
- U751/3 Thing that Should not Be typo, name should be written "Thing That Should Not Be"
- U758/2 Thing of many Eyes typo, name should be written "Thing of Many Eyes"
- U1058 Hippocampus typo extra full stop at the end
- U1084 Moose typo word "feast" should be "feasts"
- U1189 Mictlan Priest typo "...a more prominent priests..." --> "...a more prominent priest..."
- U1215 Marverni Chieftain typo "...The nobles or Marverni..." --> "...The nobles of Marverni..."
- U1297 Erinya (Megeara) typo at the end of description, "unrelenting one" should be "Unrelenting One" as it is used as a title
- U1298 Erinya (Tisiphone) typo at the end of description, "avenger of murder" should be "Avenger of Murder" as it is used as a title
- U1349/2 Devourer of Souls typo in the description, "Devourer of Soul" should be "Devourer of Souls
- U1426 Crowned Ape typo "...where apes ,and not humans..." --> "...where apes, and not humans..."
- U1427 Bakemono Sorcerer typo "DaiBbakemono...Old and wise...leads..." --> "Dai Bakemono...lead..."
- U1433/2 Kitsune typo "...lowborn peasants to greatness ,or...Kitsune are stealthy, and in human guise has..." --> "...lowborn peasants to greatness, or...Kitsune are stealthy, and in human guise have..."
- U1459 Oracle of the Ancients typo "...here lives a few Ancient Ones and...Oracles tries..." --> "...here live a few Ancient Ones and...Oracles try..."
- U1475 Attendant of the Oracles typo "...here lives a few surviving..." --> "...here live a few surviving..."
- U1490/2 Umbral typo "...Umbrals lurks." --> "...Umbrals lurk."
- U1534 Minotaur Lord description error "...Minotaur commanders." --> "...Minotaur Lords."
- U1556 Cerulean warrior typo "They armies...loose their humanity..." --> "The armies...lose their humanity..."
- U1558/2 Tlahuelpuchi typo "...they removes their feet..." --> "...they remove their feet..."
- U1564 Mad Cultist typo "...dreams of R'lyeh, will sooner or later loose...recieved...chanting of I , I , Ftaghn. Others calls out..." --> "...dreams of R'lyeh will sooner or later lose...received...chanting of I, I, Ftaghn. Others call out..."
- U1566 Mad One typo "...dreams of R'lyeh, will sooner or later loose..." --> "...dreams of R'lyeh will sooner or later lose..."
- U1567 Mad Merman same as U1566
- U1568 Mad Merman same as U1566
- U1569/2 Mad Triton same as U1566
- U1570 Human Dreamer typo "...The supernatural dreams of R'lyeh protects..." --> "...The supernatural dreams of R'lyeh protect..."
- U1571 Deep One Dreamer same as U1570
- U1572 Merman Dreamer same as U1570
- U1573 Merman Dreamer same as U1570
- U1574 Triton Dreamer same as U1570
- U1576 Mad Hybrid typo "...have recieved..." --> "...have received..."
- U1582 Guardian of the Tree typo "...was an orphan and were on his way..." --> "...was an orphan and he and his master were on their way..." or "...was an orphan and on his way..."
- U1583 Maker of Heroes typo "Athalwolf is an ancient shaman that have trained...aid of ancestors." --> "Athalwolf is an ancient shaman who has trained...aid of the ancestors."
- U1586 Pontifex Maximus typo "...Arch Bishops of the new faith lets..." --> "...Arch Bishops of the new faith let..."
- U1588 Wanderer typo "In the depths of Carnutes, lives...Animals in turn, avoid..." --> "In the depths of Carnutes lives...In turn, animals avoid..."
- U1497/2 Attentive Statue typo "stand vigour" --> stand vigil
- U1660 Reassembled Prince typo "...cowardly attacked by Shades...necromancy by the Sauromancers..." --> "...treacherously attacked by Shades...necromancy from the Sauromancers..."
- U1706 Ape Oracle typo "...her Band...life. The Mchumba..." --> "...her band...life. Mchumba..." Unless Mchumba is a title instead of a name, of course.
- U1708 Consort of the Dead typo "...Ekishnugals reign...rarely aid..." --> "...Ekishnugal's reign...rarely aids..."
- U1713 Devala typo "...devalsa followed..." --> "...devalas followed..."
- U1715/2 Pisacha typo "...inhaits cemetaries...forever curses..." --> "...inhabits cemeteries...forever curse..."
- U1748 Mandaha typo "...All fires recognizes them..." --> "...All fires recognize them..."
- U1767 Davana typo "...are vulnerable to fire since the war..." --> "...have been vulnerable to fire since the war..."