Thread: In-Game Typos
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Old March 9th, 2007, 10:50 AM
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Default Re: In-Game Typos

That one is not included because, while "shamans" is technically correct English and "shamen" is not, it is possible that the particular tribe/nation would use the incorrect word in their speech. An issue of dialects/game universe flavor in that case.

Furthermore, I will not do your legwork for you. If you wish to report an unlisted typo, you WILL include the id number of the unit or it will not be reported. Because I cannot be arsed to go through the unit DB to look at every unit that might have "Shaman" in the name and then poring over their descriptions to find which one(s) are affected.

Nothing personal, it's a matter of principle as much as anything else. If I give in just once and do people's digging for them, nobody will bother to report things in sufficient detail because they will assume I will take care of all the details.

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