Re: New Nation: Ulm Reborn
The reason the summons got lvl 0 was to make them more like additional holy spells. I put them in the conjuration school rather than divine so that they'd be easier for people to spot. I could raise them up a couple of levels, but I'm not going to put them too high up because Ulm Reborn isn't exactly flash when it comes to researching and the summons aren't exactly superpowered (although the sternheld is a pretty impressive mage considering).
I really don't want to make an overpowered nation,.. at the moment I see the potential problems as the hoch-hammer, the sternheld and the domspawning. I don't want to swap the domspawning for #summon or call allies if I can help it, but the problem is I can only give the priests domsummon, domsummon2 (half as effective) or domsummon20 (a twentieth as effective). Domsummon20 is useless for penitent, but it seems domsummon2 might be too much (right now the white priests have domsummon2 and the blacks have domsummon2 and summon1. I think what I'll do for now is give the blacks domsummon2 with no extra summon and the whites summon1 or summon2.
I like to use summon or domsummon because the AI does better with it than call allies.
The hoch-hammer does initially seem like it might be overpowered, but for 400 it's not /that/ good. If you get a group of them together they can give low morale armies a real shock and of course they tear through undead like crazy,.. but I don't want to nerf em. They're a fun unit after all. I'm tempted to give them only one ammo for the spirit hammers and reduce their cost to 350 or so.
I'll sort some pretender options out in the next version for sure. Maybe even make a new one. That's probably a little while away though - I want to let the balance sit on this one for s bit, see what's what and work on the other two mods (both near final).
One thing that I've decided while making this mod and vaettihiem SE is that nations based on or replacing vanilla sides are just as interesting, if not more so, than completely new concept, art etc mod nations (like my first, Avernum).