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Old March 9th, 2007, 01:25 PM
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Default Re: New Nation: Ulm Reborn

I'm not calling it overpowered. Please don't think that!

Ulm Reborn v0.6 is powerful. It combines traditional Ulmish strength with some powerful priests and sacred units. Several of the recruitable commanders are very thuggy. Free Penitents can be very nice -- even though they're not great units -- because they're free. The additional Holy spells are just icing on the cake.

Then again, Ulm still has its limitations:
  • Lack of magic flexibility. The White Priests are strong in Earth magic with a smattering of Astral. The Sternheld can use Air magic. And ... um ... that's it. Any other magic schools will have to come from the pretender and/or independents.
  • Resource-heavy units. Those Reborn Guardians and Black Templars are really nice, but you can only crank out so many of them per turn.
  • The best units are capitol-only.
  • The almost-mandatory Drain dominion (to give you enough points for other cool stuff) will seriously hinder your magic research. No easy access to research boosters (especially Skull Mentors) will make your research even slower.
  • Unless you're making an all-cavalry army (and how many resources would that need?), you'll be limited to a strategic move of one. All of that armour makes Ulm slow....

So, yeah, please take my posts as compliments. I really like Ulm Reborn, and I'm only trying to help. If I'm annoying you, please feel free to ignore me.
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