Re: New Nation: Ulm Reborn
No your responses have been very helpful. Far from annoying. In fact I'd like more people to chime in with opinions on mods, even if it's to say "This is horribly overpowered" or "This unit is thematically dodgy and not worth the gold". There's a perception that mod nations are all hugely overpowered and I think it's generally better to be cautious - after all if most people just use them for single player they probably wouldn't mind an extra bit of challenge.
Re: Drain. White priests are drain immune (I hope) which makes the drain scale less of a,.. well,.. a drain. Plus magic research isn't as important with UR as sheer priest and troops power. At least until late in the game.
One thing Ulm Reborn does do as advertised is crack unbeliever skulls. For a human nation they have really, really heavy guys, including thuggy commanders. There's nothing they like better than just slugging it out and slowly grinding through enemy territory. Free penitent (although they cost a lot of upkeep for spawns) and very survivable troops means once the juggernaut starts moving it's very hard to stop.