Re: Semi-random-map test game (signup)
"Facts" is a neat term to use but the 'truth' is that everyone sees things from a different viewpoint. Ask any officer who has to interview witnesses of an auto accident. If there are 3 witnesses to the accident there will be 3 differing reports on what the 'facts' were. Typically the truth lies somewhere in the middle. It doesn't mean the 3 people are lying, it just means they each have their own perspective. And you know what, it's perfectly fine to share your perspective as long as you understand that your 'facts' may not be everyone else's 'facts' and that you can disagree in a respectful manner that does not break forum rules.
I know you have been directed to read the board rules on user fighting a couple of times now over this issue, but let me copy and paste it here and highlight the issues since it seems that you cannot or do not see the issue with your posts.
If you post in this forum, we expect you to contribute positively to a conversation. If you disagree with someone, great, explain your point of view, have an open discussion. Please do not disparage the other person. Personal attacks are unacceptable. They just lower the brow of all involved. If you don't like someone, talk about it on ICQ, MSN, AIM, YIM, your journal, or your blogger, but not here. People who bait or bash members or mods may be banned without notice.
Flaming, humiliating, ridiculing, or belittling other members will not be tolerated. This includes blatant disrespect of others whether it is through negative language or general attitude. We see no difference between straight out calling someone stupid and using creative language and attitude to imply that person is stupid.
Trolling is prohibited. Trolling is whenever someone is clearly, deliberately posting in a manner for the purpose of angering and/or insulting the other participants of the board. Trolling could be directed towards one user or a group of users. Trolling DOES NOT encourage further discussion, it only encourages personal attacks (if left unchecked) and will not be tolerated.
If you get out of hand you will be warned, if the negative behavior continues you may be banned. Nobody likes it when this happens, so play nice! What actually constitutes out of hand or negative behavior is at the discretion of the staff. "
At some point, people have to agree to disagree. You and several other members are at that point but yet you do not want to let the issue die. THAT is the problem, I don't want to hear about or read anything on these forums that could even be inferred that you or anyone else is trying to bring up the original issue that started in the other MP thread. These forums are here for everyone's enjoyment and it is my job to make sure that everyone 'plays nice'. Furthermore, Shrapnel Games is not in the business of policing user's multiplayer games or the way they play those games and if that's what you're looking for then it's not going to happen. At some point, continuously bring it up or making 'digs' and references to it becomes trolling and it won't be tolerated. Let it die and move on, I'm sure everyone has better things to do than to fight about this issue when it's obvious all parties feel differently about what the 'facts' are.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
For those looking for  with this forum, please see Annette as I am retired.