Re: LA Ermor - myth, legend, or overrated tripe?
Interesting. I had thought that Dreamlands killed wherever it was.
MA Ermor can also spawn undead armies that make LA Ermor's look weak, since it has the best gold recruitable reanimators in the game. Enough Grand Thaumaturgs set to raise undead horsemen will still lead to 2k troop armies coming at you, it just that now they're a) all horse b) didn't require as much micro to get them to you c) have been pumped with Power of the Sepulcher through communions. Even the lesser, satellite armies of Longdead Warriors will still benefit greatly from the Protection/Power of Sepulcher combo, and can of course be leavened with various high protection / defense troops for further strength. Much stronger armies overall than LA, I find, although of course there's none of that lethal dominion.