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Old March 10th, 2007, 08:07 PM
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Default Re: LA Ermor - myth, legend, or overrated tripe?


It seems that you could make a hugely overpowered Pretender by shifting the scales towards all the bad stuff (since that's the point) and creating a hellacious undead SC this way. I was playing with the pretender creator and you can get a lot of points doing it this way, to boost your dominion to 10, and get your death and fire magics to 8 each with some points still left if you take a less powerful form.

Beyond priests and holy items, it just seems to me that LA Ermor is pretty much unstoppable played properly. I didn't play D2 so I don't know the comparisons, but giving this race even 10 turns unmolested seems to be asking for it later. I was under the impression that people won't play someone who was good with Ermor, maybe I'm wrong? That's my question; is it considered 'politically correct' to min-max this particular race given its unique advantages and will people be OK with that?
I wonder if the Death Star had any good malls...
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