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Old March 10th, 2007, 08:21 PM
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Default Re: LA Ermor - myth, legend, or overrated tripe?

TexasHawk said:
It seems that you could make a hugely overpowered Pretender by shifting the scales towards all the bad stuff (since that's the point) and creating a hellacious undead SC this way. I was playing with the pretender creator and you can get a lot of points doing it this way, to boost your dominion to 10, and get your death and fire magics to 8 each with some points still left if you take a less powerful form.

Beyond priests and holy items, it just seems to me that LA Ermor is pretty much unstoppable played properly.
I agree completely with your first point, when I played LA Ermor I had design points left over that I did not know what to do with, unheard of.

However, LA Ermor is very, very stoppable because there are just so many anti-undead spells and 95% of Ermors army is complete chaff which falls like the leaves in autumn.

Add to this Ermor is hated because of its dominion, so no friends (seriously lethal in MP) and its army grapth and province, castle count go off the scale. Which leads players to form an alliance to destroy Ermor, time and time again. Also it soon becomes 'unfun' to play as you after move hordes of chaff around every turn and the bigger your empire the worse it gets.
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