Re: In-Game Typos
Hi, hopefully this is the right thread for this stuff and it's still being looked at. Anyway, during pretender design I noticed a few that aren't on the list here or the bug shortlist...
- The Great Black Bull pretender specifically mentions Pangaea in its unit description... but it is also available for Sauromatia.
- The Mother of Monsters has a few typos:
"The mother of monsters is an ancient being that have given birth..." This refers to one entity, so that 'have' sould be changed to 'has'. Also "As a mother of serpent-kin she sacred to lamias..." A typo here - the 'is' is missing. Sould be "she is sacred to lamias"
Just loaded up my Suromatia game...
The Oiorpata's description includes: "They young maidens...". This should be "The young maidens...".
(edit again)
The Witch King: "It is said that the blood of serpents flow in their veins". Should be "... the blood of serpents flows..."
Blood is uncountable so it's treated as a singular noun here.