FrankTrollman said:
Jay Thomas took over my position in another game while I was playing it by having my password sent to him by Hellboy. I had explicitly stated that I did not want that to happen. Needless to say, I would be mortally offended were JayThomas to take over my position in any game under any circumstances ever in the future. I already told him that he couldn't have a position I was playing and he took it anyway. There's nothing he can say or do at this point that won't make me extremely leary of him as a person. I had to change all my god files because of his behavior.
For the record:
Jay Thomas entered "The Middle Way" game at my request, and had no knowledge of the events prior to his entry (nor could he, since the critical information was an in-game message). For my part, I had in all sincerity believed that Frank had withdrawn, and I was anxious to get a substitute rather than see the position stale or go AI.
Therefore I gave Jay Thomas the master password so that he would be able to play the position. Jay Thomas never had Frank's password, nor did I. Culpability (if there is any) for Frank losing his position in the game is mine, and mine alone.
Furthermore I have no reason to believe Jay Thomas is a master hacker and every reason to believe he is a nice guy.