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Old March 13th, 2007, 12:56 AM
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Singularity24601 Singularity24601 is offline
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Default Is it just me?

Hello peoples,

I'm back from overseas, but I'm putting Dominions 3 on hold for the moment, as I am currently in my most important semester at university and what little time I can afford is currently spent working on other projects (eg, Total Annihilation: Kingdoms).

However, within a few days, I will repackage my mod to work without .exe modification (glad to see that a #charge command has been implemented), with optional instructions for .exe editing for aesthetic reasons.

PS: Is it just me? Realistically, I would think that armies would be composed mainly of cheap units, with a minority elite. However, I find that in Dominions games, I invariably conquer the territories surrounding a fortress, then churn out the maximal number of the most expensive units for the rest of the game, making all the cheaper units useless save at the ultra early game. I believe this discrepancy can be solved if units cost *time* as well as material resources. Perhaps if the "resource" costs were multiplied... although "resource" costs are only partially equivalent to time cost, reflecting production "bandwidth" but not "latency".
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