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Old March 13th, 2007, 12:49 PM
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Default Re: Guide to EA Mictlan and bloodhunting

Well, the growth/death scales for Mictlan are not in the no-brainer category. I think it's probably better to take death scales for the reason you mention as well as some others (the impact to income is reduced for death scales, same as turmoil), BUT there is a trade off there that the death scales compound the population loss that you get from blood hunting. Yes, you will hopefully have a flow of fresh provinces, but there is a cost to moving your blood hunters - setting up a new lab, lost turns in moving them across the map, less easy to defend them closer to the front, etc. Also, high death scales will really hit all your old priests up until you can get boots of youth (all the way at construction-6). So, it's really more a question of how you want to play it. Death scales will give you a better early game by sacrificing some of your late game...usually a good trade off but more of a personal playstyle preference.
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