Re: Site Searching Strategy
Everything has pros and cons...
(1) Manual searching means search, move, search, move. Spell searching gives you search, search, search, search. So as soon as you can do spell searching its best to switch to it. Your mages will also be in the lab if you need to summon or forge instead of search. Drawback, if you find a province that needs a mage to enter a site or you need a lab to recruit then you have to send a mage from home.
(2) Not really.
(3) Good question. I will leave that to people more math oriented than I
(4) in practice most set a group of mages of each type to casting. They all cast on the same province each time. Sometimes I will leave off some because I want (possibly incorrectly) to increase the chance of finding an earth site before filling up the slots with nature sites
(5) I tend to try and keep priests up near the moving armies anyway. And anytime they have to stop then I search.
There are times I use Acashic. Such as finding a prime chokepoint and I want to everything about it before investing in a fort there. I might get a free fort, or surprised later by a site that causes disease. I rarely have every mage-type so I can check for every possible site using other spells. Im not sure if thats spread-sheet thrifty but I do it.
This game is NOT suitable for students, interns, apprentices, or anyone else who is expected to pass tests on a regular basis. Do not think about strategies while operating heavy machinery. Before beginning this game make arrangements for someone to check on you daily. If you find that your game has continued for more than 36 hours straight then you should consult a physician immediately (Do NOT show him the game!)