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Old March 17th, 2007, 05:26 PM
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Default Re: New mod coming eventually: Unusual things

noname said:
Here's one of the units ("Lust")

She will be summonable for a high, high price, or can be wished for. I still need to add a good description.
About this, if your going to do this, you probably want some indication in the mod description or change the description for wish to indicate this you can summon "Lust" with a wish.

And of course there 'are' some unique summons that only summon once or 3 times or so, but as far as i know you can't mod that in yet so making this unit a Hero is probably your best bet, either that or make them just obscenely expensive so they can only recruit up to 1-3 of this unit otherwise it will have a dangerously high effect on your income.
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