StrictlyRockers said:
All I want to say here is that I think it makes both of you look bad when you carry things over from an old game and hold grudges.
Meta-gaming should NEVER be ignored when it comes to these types of games - especially if you play to win. Knowing your opponent and understanding his reasoning/value-system is a key part to any game that revolves around free-flowing diplomacy/negotiations. To ask people to ignore people's past behavior is akin to asking them to play with a handicap.
Me and Frank were just observing the game-theory behind the popular back-stab and evaluating it from a gaming perspective. I don't think either me or Frank are passing judgment on the moral character of anyone here (at least I wasn't) - just pointing out the obvious consequences to performing the act.
Some people do care about oaths/pacts in a game, others don't. Some people will hold grudges, others won't. Some people will make a big fuss about breaking a deal, others won't. Those facts will never change.