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Old March 21st, 2007, 07:28 PM
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Default Re: Interesting

FrankTrollman said:
Manuk said:
How can you use magic items if they are controlled as units and not commanders?
You can't. An enslaved hero becomes a non-commander during the course of the battle. That means that regardless of whether it lives or dies it won't have any magic items when the battle is complete or its life ends. That means that the chances of anyone getting any of its magic items is zero.

An enslavement cast upon a super combatant is a method of destroying all of its equipment, which is good news if you don't intend to win the battle.

Yep, the first time Bogus's bunch attacked one of my provinces I killed them and took the loot. The SECOND time his bunch attacked my provinces (they really must not like me) I just enslaved them (they make good bodyguards). Didn't get any items the second time.
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