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Old March 23rd, 2007, 01:35 PM
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Default Re: playing ANYONE against everyone

Graeme Dice said:
Sure they can fly around, but they can't actually accomplish much while doing so. They don't have the stats to act as thugs, which means that all that they can do effectively is raise skeletons and, in the very late game, cast disintegrate. You also don't need LA Ulm to get vampires, Mictlan is just as capable of summoning them (although they have little reason to bother) and is likely to have a higher blood income to boot.
Oh Graeme, you're just not thinking about it. Here are a couple things that you can do with the counts:
Blood Sabbath - followed by hell power (hint: spawns a bunch of horrors while giving you some pretty big death mages until the horrors kill them before attacking the enemy. )
Drop a bunch of counts on the front line with a few death gems apiece and rain shadow blast down. The counts are so mobile, it's not hard to converge 10 of them wherever you want, and 20 shadow blasts has a pretty devastating effect on most armies.
Empowering counts can be damn effective if you're clever with blood sababath (the sabbath slaves are effected by the master's buffs). Empower a count a single level in fire and another count in earth and now you can have a swarm of iron skinned, fire shielded, immortal, flying, regenerating, lifedraining dudes who steadily build up xp because they never die. Variations on this are endless, and you never need to worry about the dude you empowered dying...
Enemy SC giving you grief? Again, converge a whole swarm of counts on him and hellbind the hell out of that heart.

Perhaps they're not the best unit in the game, but they are a FAR cry from useless if you just apply a bit of thought to them. The power of Ulm's counts is not that any individual one is a badass, it's that Ulm is unrivaled in the number of vamps it can generate, particularly early in the game. A swarm of counts can be very effective - and can't quite stress this enough - they're immortal! That fact means you can use and abuse them in ways you never would other units.
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