O.K. I'm still flying high after finally getting my mod to show up and now I think it's about time to let you guys in on what exactly I am trying to do. This way, maybe you will all see something I need to add or whatever.
It's no real big mod. I was actually inspired by Frank Trollman's Themiskyra mod (For those that may not know, it makes all of the various Amazon tribes a playable LA nation. Very dif. from Sauromatia). I'm attempting to create a late era nation of unified Barbarian tribes, basically just taking all those indy barbarians and making them playable as a stand alone nation. I want to use reg barbarians and the barb light cavalry as the 'regular' troops and was thinking of making the 'tribes' barbarians (i.e- Wolf tribe, Deer tribe, Bear tribe) as sacred troops. The melee units, not their archers. I know as a LA nation, they would be severely handicapped against other more heavily armored nations and thought to balance that out by making them more magic friendly than the other LA nations. I want to use the Barbarian Chiefs and Barbarian Lords as commanders, with EA Ulm mages to compliment the other 'tribes' mages. Should be very doable with in game graphics.
After getting my mod to show up, I've now attempted to change a unit or two from the Haida mod that I am using as a template. I've basically added barbarians, replacing the first two Haida units, tweaked their stats a little, and then fired up the mod to see if the changes took. The two units were indeed different but they were graphics I've not even seen in game before. Unless barbarians now wear golden armor with shiny helmets and a broadsword, that is.
I used the sprite image (I thought) in the Dom DB list but it wasn't the right unit that appeared. None of the stat changes were there either, nor the description. Where did I go wrong? (again).
I also don't know what to use as the #itemslots number. I picked 3334 from the modding docs itemslots table. (I still get a headache just trying to read thru that document.)
There you go. What I really need is for someone to come to my house and look over my shoulder and tell me what to do. But barring that ever happening, I'll just pick your brains here. Also, any suggestions on this mod are of course welcome.