Thread: Mod help?
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Old March 27th, 2007, 10:33 PM

BandarLover BandarLover is offline
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Default Re: More information, more questions....

O.K. here is what I have coded in for my mod. Could it be the #newmonster number giving me fits? I admit I don't really understand what most of this is or does.

#newmonster 2700
#name "Barbarian Warrior"
#copyspr 139

#descr "Life in the wastelands is very tough and these warriors start at a young age learning how to survive on next to nothing. The Barbarian Warriors are near reckless in their thirst for battle and fight for the pillage of spoils that comes afterwards."

#ap 12
#mapmove 2
#hp 13
#prot 8
#size 2
#str 12
#enc 2
#att 11
#def 11
#prec 10
#mr 9
#mor 9
#gcost 13

#nametype 100
#itemslots 3334

#weapon 11
#armor "Full Leather Armor"

#pillagebonus 1


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