Re: Balancing the blesses
In the first set of tests I just assumed 2000 hits, so attack didn't come into play. In the second set of tests I included the +4 attack from F9, the +2 from F2, and the -2 to defense from a second attacker. It was the attack bonus that made F9 clearly better than B9 vs. the Wraith Lords. Of course I forgot to take Etherealness into account, too.
P.S. You can treat the first set of tests as the limiting case vs. swarms of attackers. You can confidently say that +4 Str (from B9 or SoG) is better than an F9 bless against lone SCs of Prot 20, without Etherealness. The second set of tests, assuming one square vs. one square, is for large numbers of units where the battle front is roughly a line, as often happens. This doesn't necessarily mean equal numbers of units on both sides, but both sides have at least 20-30 units.
Bauchelain - "Qwik Ben iz uzin wallhax! HAX!"
Quick Ben - "lol pwned"
["Memories of Ice", by Steven Erikson. Retranslated into l33t.]