Darrel said:My main annoyance hasn't been speed. Vista tends to save files in its own location. So instead of finding your saved game files in c:\program files\dominions3\savedgame, vista saves it in your profile section in a real wierd path, {profile name}/AppData/Local/VirtualStore/Program Files/Dominions 3/Savedgames. This made playing PBEM games annoying until I got used to it.
That happens since you have installed the game under "program files". Since so many software kept trying to write to a folder that they should not have write access to Microsoft made it so anything being written to "program files" ends up in %profile name%/AppData/Local/VirtualStore/Program Files/[normal folder path].
This way they did not break all the old "malfunctioning" applications but you can still benefit from the increased security you get as running as a restricted user.