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Old April 5th, 2007, 02:10 AM
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Velusion Velusion is offline
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Default MP Hall of Honor

The Hall of Honor

Winner: Baalz – Game: Afterthought – Players: 21 - Era: Middle - Nation: R'lyeh - Mods: None
Winner: Micah – Game: Tempest – Players: 21 - Era: Early - Nation: Helheim - Mods: None
Winner: Jazzepi – Game: Ragnarok – Players: 12 - Era: Early - Nation: T'ien Ch'i - Mods: None
Winner: Calmon – Game: Eventide – Players: 18 - Era: Late - Nation: Marginon - Mods: None
Winner: johnarryn – Game: War is Hell – Players: 15 - Era: Early - Nation: Ulm - Mods: None
Winner: Calmon – Game: Faerun MA PBEM – Players: 17 - Era: Middle - Nation: Ermor - Mods: VPs
Winner: Teraswaerto – Game: neZ – Players: 10 - Era: Middle - Nation: Jotunheim - Mods: None
Winner: Calmon – Game: The Quick & the Dead – Players: 11 - Era: Late - Nation: Ermor - Mods: CB 1.0 & WH 1.6
Winner: Jurri – Game: Dawggie Does Dominions – Players: 15 - Era: Late - Nation: Mictlan - Mods: None
Winner: Jurri – Game: Dawnstrike – Players: 18 - Era: Early - Nation: Caelum - Mods: None
Winner: Ironhawk – Game: Concepts of Creation – Players: 20 - Era: Middle - Nation: Pythium - Mods: CB .92 & WH 1.5
Winner: Meglobob – Game: Random Settings – Players: 12 - Era: Late - Nation: Agartha - Mods: None
Winner: Wraithlord – Game: Jinxed Frechdachs – Players: 14 - Era: Middle - Nation: Pythium - Mods: None
Winner: AdmiralZhao – Game: The Gold Lion – Players: 13 - Era: Early - Nation: Lanka - Mods: None
Winner: Maltrease – Game: mid_spruit – Players: 10 - Era: Early - Nation: Caelum - Mods: None
Winner: Jazzepi – Game: Epiphany – Players: 11 - Era: Late - Nation: T'ien Ch'i - Mods: VPs
Winner: Micah – Game: Undertow – Players: 12 - Era: Middle - Nation: Shinuyama - Mods: None


What is the Hall of Honor?
The MP Hall of Honor is a simple “winners” listing for large/long multiplayer games be they PBEM or TCP/IP. This IS NOT a ladder or a ranking system – it’s just a “Congrats!” listing. I, Velusion, have the final say as to who gets listed on this thread.

How do I list a winner on the Hall of Honors thread?
If you would like to point out a winner (yourself or another player) to be listed here the following must apply:

• You need to provide me the player's name, the game name, the game era, the winning nation, and any mods or any unusual game settings that were used. Post the info to this thread.
• You need to provide how many players were in the game in the post. The game must have contained a total of at least 10 total players for it to qualify.
• You need to include a link to the game thread in the post. This thread must be on the Dom3 forums for me to confirm the game existed.
• The game must have taken a least 1 full week or more to complete in order to qualify.
• There must be complete consensus that there is a winner for the game. (I.e. everyone must have surrendered in the thread or not contested the win).
• If the winner decides that he doesn’t want to be listed he can opt out by posting here and his name will be removed.
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