Thread: In-Game Typos
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Old April 13th, 2007, 05:35 PM
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Default Re: In-Game Typos

vfb, that's a function of how the scouting reports work. They just extract the unit name from somewhere else and add the plural s to the end. So anything that has a unit name of "x of y" is going to get reported as "z number of x of ys" instead of "z number of xs of y".

You could get it to work correctly, but that would require there to be a text list of name plurals for each unit and they would need to be linked so that it picks the name from the plural list instead of just retrieving the basic unit name.

It's probably doable, but it's a crapload of work for very little actual gain compared to many of the other unresolved issues (citadel battle graphics and other stuff in the shortlist).
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