And there is some other-than-add-an-s pluralization code, since in the case of units which are a "man", eg #928 Heavy Footman, the code does pluralize it correctly as Heavy Footmen. The code probably just looking for "man" at the end of the string or something like that. It could also search for " of ", to move the 's'.
That's funny, this might be why the game makes the plural "Shamen" out of "Shaman" instead of "Shamans".
MaxWilson said:
Heh. On my mission in the Philippines, some missionaries would consistently refer to "Book of Mormons," ("We're running low on Book of Mormons") which drove other grammatically-inclined missionaries up the wall. "It's 'Books of Mormon!'" they would insist. Never did convince anyone to change their habits.
They should try "We're running low on Book of Morons"...