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Old April 15th, 2007, 04:13 AM
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HoneyBadger HoneyBadger is offline
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Default Re: Conceptual Balance (Discussion)Drakaina

Welcome, Drakaina! Nice to have you here.

It was a "Drakaina" (or "Dracaena")-part woman from the waist up, part serpent-who was the first ruler of Scythia. Another one made a bargain with Herakles after she stole the cattle of Geryon, that she'd only give them back if he'd sleep with her-effectively treating the mightiest of Greek heroes as a prostitute. She eventually had 3 sons by him-Agathyrsos, Gelonos, and Skythes. The older two were banished from Scythia, but the youngest, Skythes, became king and founded the royal line of Scythia.
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