Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Updated again. I'm leaving, again, for a week later today, so I'd appreciate quick corrections to any mistakes. Also, don't expect a new flood of suggestions to be added to this before next week.
one more:
* pop-dying and dominion-spawning as nation-modding commands
* ability to add and/or rename Ages
* A lengthy suggestion about mutations
* ability to mod bless effects
* All modding commands could also use a #copy command, so #copyweapon
* #dt_magic to cause double damage to magic beings
* #undeadnation, as Lanka/ MA Ermor/ LA Ermor ability (priests have undead leadership etc)
* suggestion for pretender-modding format (#selectnation, #clearpretenders, #addpretender)
* increase maximum unit, site, weapon, armor, spell etc array maximums so that making a nation nr XX would use unit numbers XX00 to XX99, spell numbers XX00 to XX99 etc.
* increase nation array so that more than about a dozen modded nation can be played at the same time
* increase the number of sprites that can be added in mods, looky
* ability to create custom linked randoms (W3S3 2xWESD Aboleths for EA! )
* ability to create units with custom random having Holy in it (units that are sometimes priests)
* ability to define units' armor by number
* #reinvigoration doesn't work
* ability to make a unit (Vastness) immune to disease and/or afflictions in general
* #siegebonus fixed April 14th (for next version)
* #spreaddom, #nobadevents, #incunrest for Juggernaut domspread, Fortune Teller bad event preventing and Lady of Love unrest-lowering abilities, April 14th (for next version)
* ability to create new magic items with new sprites
* ability to restrict e.g. Gate Cleaver or Hammer of the Mountains to size 2 or bigger units, or the make handedness dependent on size of a unit (Gate Cleaver 1-handed for big creatures)
* ability to initiate spell-effect at the beginning of battle, every turn of a battle, every time an enemy is hit, every time an enemy is killed, when the unit dies, when a unit dies, etc. I'm not sure what UnsinspiredName wanted this to affect, but I'm putting it into Magic Item modding.
* being able to duplicate Unfrozen and/or Crossbreeding
* ability to make spells cause events in target province (custom events with just text would be awesome)
* making the secondary spell-effect field moddable
* spells that summon both units and commanders being moddable
* ability to make new spells that summon new unique creatures
Implemented, but bugged
* #specialeffectalways doesn't work at all
* #reinvigoration doesn't work
Requested mod commands
Magic sites
* It isn't possible to make sites that let everyone recruit the units. #com and #mon commands are needed in addition to #homecom and #homemon.
* All modding commands need #clear or similar command. #clear for sites and weapons are missing.
* command for summoning creatures when a mage enters a site
* command for casting a spesific ritual when mage enters a site
* unrest for magic sites
* modding commands for the dungeon sites
* A way to make ranged weapon be affected by Flaming Arrows. #fireweapon (wpn nbr) to spesify what weapon is used when new weapon is affected by Flaming Arrows was suggested.
* A way to set #range to Strength, for thrown weapons. I think it's #range -1, but #range is restricted to 0 and up.
* All modding commands need #clear or similar command. #clear for sites and weapons are missing.
* All modding commands could also use a #copy command, so #copyweapon
* #dt_magic to cause double damage to magic beings
* ability to define units' armor by number
* ability to make a unit (Vastness) immune to disease and/or afflictions in general
* #horrormarked <value> - unit starts with horror mark
* #cursed - unit starts with curse
* #affliction <bitmask> <chance> - unit starts with affliction(s) chosen from a list
* ability to make units immune to Horror Mark or Curse
* #insanity
* #lure
* #skeptic
* #inquisitor
* #communicant, as Theurg Communicants' ability
* ability to spawn units of spesific type (Pan->Maenads), under various restrictions (scale and/or terrain mask)
* ability to get free units (bodyguards) in battle, e.g. Dai Oni and their wolves
* scale sensitivity, e.g. Ice Devils and Burning Ones are affected by temperature
* a command that makes a unit ccast one spell, targeted at the unit itself, in the beginning of the battle to simulate e.g. Communion Slave
* units that disappear after one battle, such as Gladiators
* a command to make an unit move independently around the map, as Eater of the Dead
* Moddable bonus to number of effects from spells, from Crossbreeding to Summer Lions to Magma Bolts
* being able to duplicate Unfrozen and/or Crossbreeding
* ability to make spells cause events in target province (custom events with just text would be awesome)
* making the secondary spell-effect field moddable
* spells that summon both units and commanders being moddable
* ability to make new spells that summon new unique creatures
* free units in forts (with terrain mask), in areas of high dominion, under spesific scales...
* a #multihero that only appears one at a time; the second one only comes after the first has died
* moddable nation-spesific undead
* command for giving the same pretender to multiple nations without copying him a dozen times
* command to make a nation that doesn't have one or more of the default pretenders
* a way to name heroes!
* ability to use custom pics for temples
* #undeadnation, as Lanka/ MA Ermor/ LA Ermor ability (priests have undead leadership etc)
* pop-dying and dominion-spawning as nation-modding commands
Magic items
* #mainlevel 0 for making an item require level 1 mage, but take only 1 gem
* #spell for items, to make commander cast spesific spell
* #ritual for items, to make commander cast spesific spell in main map
* magic res and elemental/poison resistances for items, both positive and negative
* commands for affecting stats of the commander using the item: +/-att, def, prot, hp, enc, ap, even size...
* ability to initiate spell-effect at the beginning of battle, every turn of a battle, every time an enemy is hit, every time an enemy is killed, when the unit dies, when any unit dies, etc
* ability to restrict e.g. Gate Cleaver or Hammer of the Mountains to size 2 or bigger units, or the make handedness dependent on size of a unit (Gate Cleaver 1-handed for big creatures)
* ability to create new items with new sprites
* commands for changing the costs of labs and temples, and fort modding commands with gold cost, time requirement and layout (the battlefield used).
* Poptypes modding - recruitable units, defenders, era, rarity
* ability to mod bless effects
* mercenary modding - commander, his name, items/gems, exp; unit type, nr of units, exp; ages the group is available in, recruit cost, nation bonuses
* commands for changing Magic/Drain effect on magic resistance and spellcasting encumberance.
* general mod command for changing the chance of events on common/rare setting
* Age-restricted mods that don't affect games of other ages. A modding command, but more for ease of use than to changing things.
* Few more lengthy suggestions
* another complicated suggestion
Requested mod-related features
Generally these are changes I think would require either a enw mechanic or a change in the hard-coded underlying mechanics of the game. I could be wrong about the severity of the change.
* nation-spesific items
* There should be a map command for a required mod that has to be enabled to play the map.
* themes back, and made moddable
* Three lengthy suggestions
* more hero slots
* a one-time shape change to another unit after reaching a unit reaches a spesific age
* masks working in hexadecimal as well as decimal
* Some way to use #copystats without getting unwanted features. Blank units with just #seduce, #lure, etc various commands that currently can't be added were suggested.
* ability to add custom sound effects
* ability to rename (and/or add) magic paths, to change the icon, the pic of gemtype, the pics of sites, the names of schools...
* increase maximum unit, site, weapon, armor, spell etc maximums so that e.g. making a nation nr XX would use unit numbers XX00 to XX99, spell numbers XX00 to XX99 etc.
* increase nation array so that more than about a dozen modded nation can be played at the same time
* increase the number of sprites that can be added in mods, looky
* ability to add and/or rename Ages
* A lengthy suggestion about mutations
* commander for reversing the old age parameters (-5% hp to +5% hp) (and for negating old age afflictions).
* Effect of experience stars: #hp, #str, #att, #def, #prec, #mrl, #enc, #mr, #xp [required to reach a spesific level, 15 for first star]
Suggested and implemented
* The ability to change spell names and descriptions as well as spell modding in general
* It isn't possible to add new national spells that have to be researched.
* It should be possible to find out numbers of magic items. Shift+I.
* commands for changing units' ages
* #animalawe
* #summonallies [amount] [unit name/nr] as #summon1 and #summon5 and #makemonster1 to #makemonster5
* #seduce, #succubus
* #charge for weapons
* #aoe with special numbers that affect whole battlefield 665,666...
* Resistances can be modded to exceed 100%.
* can disable nation with #era 0.
* #siegebonus fixed April 14th (for next version)
* #spreaddom, #nobadevents, #incunrest for Juggernaut domspread, Fortune Teller bad event preventing and Lady of Love unrest-lowering abilities, April 14th (for next version)
Suggested forms
Experience modding:
#xplevel [1 to 5 stars]
#hp, #str, #att, #def, #prec, #mrl, #enc, #mr, #xp [required to reach a spesific level, 15 for first star]
Changing the pretenders available to a nation:
#selectnation 0
#addpretender "Prince of Death"
#addpretender "Drakaina"
#addpretender "Vampire Queen"
Updated to reflect things already implemented so a new shortlist is easier to make. ~Edi