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Old April 17th, 2007, 12:29 PM

Evil Dave Evil Dave is offline
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Default Re: Announcing catgod, a pretender file viewer

General reply to all comments:

If you tried to download catgod and couldn't get thru (bad links, etc), please give it another try. A storm that came thru here Monday morning not only knocked out power to my servers, but also messed up the 'net but good. Even when the power came back, access beyond my ISP was in yo-yo mode.

If somebody can think of a better name for catgod, I'm all ears. I'll take "printgod" if I have to, but I'd like something more clever. And I was thinking of just calling it Bast, in the long tradition of obscure Unix command names.

Catgod can read password-protected pretenders. You'd need to have access to the file to read it, tho. If this is a problem for MP, the host machine should change the file protections on uploaded pretenders so that only the game server and each pretender's player can read the files.

Oh, I didn't know there was a dumpgod. Programming catgod took only 10-11 hours, about half of which was figuring out the file format.
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--Helmut von Moltke

Have too may pretender files to keep track of? Use catgod to view them.
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