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Old April 22nd, 2007, 01:45 PM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Re: Nation Idea: LA Oceania

Good thoughts. I like the idea of beat up and forced on land refugee mermen and ichtyids, also perhaps influenced and mutated by the void.

But personally I really want to get some Triton action going. I like the idea that the Oceanian tritons survived and slowly started to take revenge on Ryleh, perhaps with the help of regular 'garden variety' tritons. Low numbers, obviously and they have to have picked up a certain degree of ruthless pragmatism to have avoided getting killed by the slave armies thusfar. They would have been fighting and killing their own kind and would have to have gotten used to mind control turning the weak-willed against them,.. so I'm guessing they'd be rather vicious themselves. Also there's the racial purity angle - they're happy to use regular tritons, mermen, ichtyids,.. maybe even coastal atlantians,.. to fight their war, unifying and leading them in the process, but they have little regard for the life of anything not strictly of the Oceanian Triton bloodline. Thus they, like so many cultures, have begun to emulate the great destroyer(s) that put and end to their civilisation.
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