If you are intimating, Hadrian, that in 'real life' treaties are broken, etc., and that trades are always consummated as promised. Uh. I disagree. This artificial delimitation is hackneyed in my opinion. "Hi, I'd like to be your friend. I won't attack you for five turns. Also, I'd like to trade you fifty gems for The Chalice." Next turn, you and yours expect to receive these gems because the 'rules' say so, yet you're okay with being attacked randomly because treaties mean nothing substantive. I don't get it. But I won't make further commentary regarding it, either.
I already stated my little preference and play-style, and others have theirs. It's especially fun to be an *honest* bad guy, for me, if I want to go that route.
Velusion should probably make it clear what dictates are in effect given previous problems or whatever.