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Old April 22nd, 2007, 07:09 PM
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Default Re: Vanilla Mods to Official Mods-The *OUML*

Foodstamp, I'm not proposing that mods be distinguished between what is a "good" mod and what is a "bad" mod. It's not about that, except maybe in cases where something is obviously a shoddy effort and should be excluded until it's been improved.

This is about getting people to admit that yes, certain mod nations are just as good as the nations the Devs came up with.

It shouldn't hurt any relationships, unless people are being overly sensitive and unrealistic. It doesn't force anyone to change anything they currently do or don't do. It just says that a particular mod has been approved by the community for use in "vanilla-style" games. It gives our creative efforts more weight than they currently have.
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