B0rsuk said:
I strongly disagree. Boosting everyone else (or just some weaker nations) is a baad idea.
I think the main thing people worry about is taking away the unique powers that the heims have. I'm all fine with leaving them as is... just increase the gold/resource cost.
B0rsuk said:
Meglobob: this is very interesting, because some people argued Vanheim/Helheim should rule early game because they supposedly don't have late game.
There is a certain white wizard here who likes to answer every issue with "but it all depends on how big your map is!". In the past I've let that go, because it sounds like a good point. However I'd like to debunk that thought now. The rate at which the heims can grow is astounding. The extra provinces they gain in the early game more than makes up for any losses in the scale department - plus more provinces = more gems. So in the mid/late game they have a very large empire with a superpower pretender and no real negatives.
But IMHO the biggest reason to tone them down is that it is
NOT FUN to get creamed by them so early in the game. It doesn't matter how you design your nation, the vast majority of them cannot even hope to stand against an early attack by the heims and it is in their best interest to kill you quickly.